Overcoming Fear: Embracing Artificial Intelligence in the Non-Technical Workplace

Embracing artificial intelligence

This course guides participants through AI fundamentals, dispels fears, and fosters practical skills.

It covers the psychology of AI anxiety, explores workplace applications, and emphasizes essential skills for collaboration.

Ethical considerations, job security strategies, and creating an AI-ready mindset are discussed.

The course concludes with personal reflections and action plans, empowering participants to navigate the AI era confidently.

EIT Deep Tech Talent Initiative logo, She is Mom logo

Start date: October 7

Modules: 7

Duration: 12 weeks / 52 hours

Format: Online

Language: English

Price: 990 euro

Learning objectives

Understanding artificial intelligence (AI)

Psychological aspects of AI fear

AI in the workplace

Skills for the AI era

AI, ethics, and job security

Creating an AI - ready mindset

Program outcome

Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI's evolution and applications.

Develop strategies to overcome fear and embrace AI in the workplace.

Identify practical AI applications relevant to their professional contexts.

Acquire essential collaboration skills and plan for lifelong learning.

Understand ethical considerations and ensure job security in the AI era.

Foster confidence and adaptability for a future with AI, empowering personal and professional growth.

Program outline

This course aims to empower learners with the deep tech skills necessary to effectively collaborate with AI technologies in non-technical workplace environments. Through a combination of theoretical insights, practical exercises, and real-world case studies, participants gain proficiency in AI fundamentals, data analysis, machine learning, and ethical considerations. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a robust understanding of AI concepts, practical skills for implementing AI solutions, and ethical frameworks for responsible AI adoption.

Demystifying AI: What it is and what it is not

The history and evolution of AI

AI in everyday life: Examples and insights

Basics of machine learning and its applications

Introduction to data analysis and preprocessing techniques

Hands-on experience with AI algorithms and model development

Workshop: Applying AI concepts to real-world scenarios

Understanding ethical frameworks in AI

Case studies: Ethical dilemmas in AI implementation

Workshop: Ethical decision-making in AI projects

AI’s role in modern businesses

Case studies: Successful AI integration in various industries

Interactive session: Exploring AI tools and platforms

Workshop: Implementing AI solutions in non-technical settings

Fostering adaptability and resilience in the AI era

Building confidence in working with AI technologies

Overcoming fear and barriers to AI adoption

Key takeaways and course recap

Preparing for a future with AI: Next steps

Q&A session and closing remarks

Reflecting on personal growth and insights

Developing a personal action plan for advancing deep tech skills

Program coordinators