Frequently asked questions

Discover answers to common questions tailored specifically for moms, women, and parents engaging with She is Mom. Whether you are curious about membership benefits or seeking clarity on available resources, find the information you need to navigate and make the most of your experience with She is Mom.

She is Mom is a comprehensive platform dedicated to empowering moms, women, and parents in their professional and personal journeys. We provide resources, mentoring, and networking opportunities tailored to their unique needs, including career development, entrepreneurship support, work-life balance strategies, and community connections.

She is Mom's services are designed to benefit women from all walks of life seeking support and resources to advance their careers, navigate work-life balance, explore entrepreneurship, and connect with a supportive community.

Joining She is Mom is easy. Simply Create an account on our platform and choose a membership plan that suits your needs.

Yes, there are membership fees associated with accessing certain features and services on She is Mom. However, we offer various membership plans with different pricing options to accommodate different budgets. You can explore our membership plans and pricing options by clicking here.

Once you become a member of She is Mom, you will have the opportunity to register for and access our programs and resources by logging in to your account on our platform.

Yes, She is Mom offers various programs, mentoring sessions, and resources specifically tailored to support your career journey. Our experienced mentors and coaches are here to provide guidance and support every step of the way.

She is Mom provides programs and resources covering a wide range of career development topics, including skill enhancement, career transitions, leadership development, and more.

She is Mom provides products, guidance, and support to help working parents achieve a healthy balance between their careers and family responsibilities, offering solutions such as flexible work options and childcare arrangements.

Yes, She is Mom offers a variety of products and services to help you improve your work-life balance, including time management tools and self-care programs.

Yes, She is Mom offers services, mentoring, and support from experts to help aspiring entrepreneurs start and grow their own businesses.

She is Mom provides a wealth of programs, services, and networking opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs, including business planning programs and marketing services.

She is Mom brings together a network of coaches, experts, and professionals to provide personalised support and guidance to our members through one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching programs, and mentoring sessions.

Our mentors are hand-picked professionals with extensive experience in coaching, mentoring, and relevant industries, committed to helping you reach your full potential.

Yes, you can connect with other members who share similar interests or goals through our platform by joining groups, participating in discussions, and networking.

Yes, She is Mom organises events, workshops, and meetups for our members to connect, learn, and grow together. Keep an eye on our platform for upcoming events and opportunities to engage with our community.

If you encounter technical issues with accessing our platform or resources, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

If you forget your login credentials, you can reset your password using the "Forgot Password" option on the login page.

She is Mom takes the privacy and security of our members' personal information seriously, with robust security measures in place to protect your information.

To take advantage of the services offered by She is Mom, including mentoring sessions and special prices on benefits, you need to create an account.

A professional profile is necessary for accessing job opportunities on the platform, showcasing your experiences, skills, and preferences to potential employers.

A video presentation is a powerful way to make a first impression, demonstrating your readiness and enthusiasm for job opportunities to potential employers.

It typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete your profile, depending on your preferences and the information you provide.

If the answer you are looking for is not here, feel free to send us an email and we will answer all your questions.